Monday, July 1, 2013

June weather numbers for Louisville

June weather for Louisville.....

HIGH 93   6 days in the 90's

LOW 55

Temperatures averaged 0.3 degrees above normal for the month

Last year in June the temperature averaged 0.6 degrees above normal for the month even though there were numerous days in the 90's and 3 days in the 100's including a high of 105.  The first week of June, 2012 had very cool conditions.

RAIN 4.30   This was .51" above normal or 113% of normal for the month.

There were 16 days with at least a trace of rain.

The greatest 24 hour total was 2.69" on the 26th

There was 1 clear day.... 25 partly cloudy days and 4 cloudy days.

There were 8 days with thunder at the airport.  The June average is 6.

There were 14 days with fog.

The July outlook from the Climate Prediction Center

July temperature forecast                                                                                                                      
July rainfall forecast

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