Friday, July 19, 2013

I am going back on TV

Updated Friday evening...... I wanted to let you know that I am going back on TV.

Starting next week I will be filling in from time to time on the weather reports on WLKY and assisting Jay, Matt, Jared and Susanne during severe weather.

Also, Belski's Blog will be on the site.  On this blog there were occasional posts. On the new blog I will have more entries and they will be more detailed. Are you ready for winter..... :)

Thanks for reading this blog. We had a large number of readers despite the fact that there was no advertising about it.  WATCH FOR THE NEW BLOG starting Monday on

For more  HERE


  1. Congratulations John. I knew it was hard for you to stay away from what you loved. Good luck.
    Ryan Houchen

  2. Yeah!!! It will be nice to see your forecasts. Do you already have any thoughts about this winter?

  3. Congrats. Very happy to see you on tv. I remember watching you on wlky back before you went to wave. heheh

  4. This is great news and worthy of 'Breaking!' I'm very glad you're coming back, John. You're one of my all time faves and it will be glad to see you back on TV. Congrats!!

  5. Happy you are back doing what you love!
