Saturday, May 18, 2013

We are almost to the longest day of the year

Updated Saturday afternoon.....   The sunrise in Louisville this morning was at 6:29.  The earliest sunrise of the year is at 6:19 and that will be from  June 9 to June 17.

The sunset this evening is at 8:50. The latest sunset of the year is at 9:10 and that will be from June 21 to July 4.

Barrow, Alaska
At the northernmost city in the U.S., Barrow, Alaska, the sun rose on May 11 and will not set until August 2.

The current temperature in Barrow is 14 degrees with light snow.

The 2 warmest days of the year so far in Barrow have occurred this month..... 34 and 33 degrees for a high.  They have not had a daily low temperature above freezing yet this year.

The current snow depth at Barrow is 4 inches.

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