Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tuesday's storm reports

The severe weather ended up staying well to the north overnight. There have been a couple of warnings locally this morning as a line of storms developed along the cold front which will bring 50's tonight for a low!!!

Tuesday's severe weather reports
Fortunately in the high and moderate risk areas, the storms were not nearly as widespread as predicted. Most of the tornadoes were in Iowa. There were 3 reports of 80 mph winds and 4 reports of 2" or larger hail but overall, the numbers were not as bad as it could have been.

There were no injuries from the tornadoes.
The largest hail was baseball size in southern Minnesota.

Yesterday was our first 90 degree day of the year and it looks like the next hot spell will not be until late next week. We may get a day or two in the 90's before it cools off again.
Current indications are for only about 1-4 more days in the 90's the rest of the month.

Cities that reached 100 yesterday include.....
Wichita 100
El Paso 106
The hottest in the U.S. was 116 at Death Valley, CA.  Quite a bit more tolerable than the 126 degree high they had last Saturday.

Below are yesterday's high temps.

Tuesday's high temperatures

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