Friday, June 28, 2013

All-time record high temp for Las Vegas?

The heat over the southwest U.S. will intensify the next few days as temperatures rise to daily record levels and in some cases rising to all-time record highs.

The highest temperature ever in Las Vegas was 117 degrees. The temperature will be around 117 over the weekend into early next week.
The highest temperature ever at Death Valley, CA was 134 which is also the world record. The forecast is for temperatures around 130 degrees.

At 3:00 PM EDT or noon local time: the cureent temperature in Las Vegas is 104 and the temperature at Death Valley is 118.

GFS Sunday 500mb
 When you look at a 500mb chart, the area around the 588 isoheight line usually indicates some pretty hot weather.
On Sunday, this covers much of the southwest.

Usually, record heat in this part of the country is under a 594 isoheight line.  That was been the case here in the Ohio Valley the last few years when the temperature has hit 100 degrees.

GFS Wednesday 500mb
 By Wednesday, note the 594 line in the Pacific northwest. Look for temperatures to top 100 degrees in Idaho, Washington and Oregon.

A closed low over the Mississippi Valley will bring cooler and unsettled weather for the Ohio Valley next week.

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