Tuesday, June 25, 2013

130 degrees this weekend?

Some incredibly hot weather is in the forecast for the southwest U.S. deserts later this week.
The forecast on the left is for Death Valley, CA with temperatures approaching 130 degrees this weekend.
The all-time U.S. high was set at Death Valley in 1913 with 134 degrees. Can a new record be set on the 100 year anniversary? The exact date of the record was July 10, 1913.

A couple years ago the world record of 136 degrees in Libya was discarded for various reasons so 134 is the world record.
We will see how close it gets to that this weekend.
The highest temperature so far this year at Death Valley has been 126 degrees.

500mb this weekend
Note the heat ridge out west for this weekend. A pretty good trough over the Ohio Valley will bring us some relief from the heat for a few days.

Today was the 5th day this year in the 90's.
Last year through June 25, Louisville had 13 days in the 90's.

SPC severe risk for Wednesday
Severe update.... the new severe risk outlook for Wednesday has an upper level slight risk (30%) over all of Kentucky and the southern half of Indiana.
The hatched area for extreme winds has been dropped from the earlier outlook. However, the potential does exist for some storms to produce winds in excess of 70 mph.
The time for Louisville is late afternoon although it may hold off until early evening.

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